
Welcome to the inaugural post for the McGoozle Family blog. If you’re here shortly after this post is published, it probably means you got a Christmas letter from us and you know our real identities. Shhh! It’s not really a secret but posting under a pseudonym does provide a bit of protection for the kids from “googling” when they’re older. And it seemed like a fun idea. Since you do know our real IDs an introduction seems a bit pointless so here is each family member’s answer to the question, “What is your idea of a perfect day?”

Mr. McGoozle says, “Playing around outside and then coming back to a movie or board game.”

Mrs. McGoozle says, “A quiet morning with tea and books and then hanging out with family playing games. Sitting on the couch with Mr. McGoozle and talking or watching a movie before bed.”

Stubby sitting on a rock looking at camera over his shoulder

Stubby says, “No school. No fighting. And lots of games and fun.”

Smiley says, “I would want to go ice skating. And then just hang out and play Zelda.”

Picture of Smiley

Squeaky says, “No fighting. And ice skate with my little skates!”

Slinky can’t talk but I think her perfect day would include murdering some birds, snuggling with some kids, and trying to eat some Nerf darts.

My goal in starting this blog is to provide a place off of social media to keep family & friends updated and maybe offer some encouragement/ideas to other homeschool moms. It’s not going to be very polished or professional at this point but just a casual place to share. I plan to post once per week on Friday evenings following this topical schedule:

  • 1st Friday: Our nature journals and photos of our time outside
  • 2nd Friday: “Fave Five” post where I’ll share 5 things that I like or find useful in different categories
  • 3rd Friday: “Day in the Life” where I’ll walk you through a day at our house and share any family updates
  • 4th Friday: Book update where I’ll share what I’m reading and share an in-depth review of one of the books
  • 5th Friday: Bonus week- I’ll either take a break or post something that doesn’t fit into any of the other categories

I’m not the best at follow-through but if I’m able to keep to this schedule for a few months then I plan to set up a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to. The newsletter will link to all the posts for the month and contain a more private/personal note. I am going to leave comments off as I don’t want to moderate them but you’re always welcome to email me. Or call/text me if you have my number.

Thanks for checking in and I hope to see you again.

About Us

Hello! We’re the McGoozles (a funny name we made up for ourselves): Mrs., Mr., Stubby, Smiley, Squeaky, and our cat, Slinky. We live in beautiful SW Montana and use this space to share about our life homeschooling, adventuring, and following Jesus.

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