printed musical note page

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

It’s a 5 Friday month which means I write about whatever I want this week. Although this month has meant I write whenever I want. This last trip of Mr. McGoozle’s was hard and I did not handle it well. Hence my commitment to posting as planned fell through…

I am officially changing my posting schedule to “the weekend” instead of Friday. I think I’ll continue to stick with my themes based around the Fridays of the month though.

Mr. McGoozle and I went to a neighboring city yesterday and talked about music on the way back. I was reminded of the Principium album/EP from The Arcadian Wild and we listened to it together. It’s an absolutely gorgeous musical composition that re-tells the story of Creation and the Fall using unique word pictures. I love the music and the message. So, today I thought I’d share it with you. Here is the official playlist of lyric videos from The Arcadian Wild. I hope you enjoy it!

About Us

Hello! We’re the McGoozles (a funny name we made up for ourselves): Mrs., Mr., Stubby, Smiley, Squeaky, and our cat, Slinky. We live in beautiful SW Montana and use this space to share about our life homeschooling, adventuring, and following Jesus.

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