December Books Update

This is going to be a boring-looking post. I know there’s a way to link book cover images but I’m not dealing with that today so you get lots of practice reading while learning about my reading. 🙂 There are some pretty graphs at the end.

I use The Story Graph to track my reading. I like that I can add notes on books as I’m reading them although I haven’t done that as much as I would like to. I really like all the information that Story Graph compiles about my reading. Come be friends with me if you want to check it out! My username is mama_mcgoozle.

Almost all of the audiobooks and ebooks I read are through Scribd (referral link for 60 days free). Our library’s OverDrive system is very limited and we read and listen to a lot of books so it’s worth it for us to pay $10/month to have access to basically unlimited books. I also use Scribd for several of our school books. Of course, we also go to the library and get physical books and we have a large collection of books that we own. (Maybe too large as I’ll hint at below.)

With that out of the way- here’s the December book update and a bit about my 2022 reading goals and how close I am to meeting them.

Still reading…

  • Empires of the Sea: The Siege of Malta, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Contest for the Center of the World by Roger Crowley- This was a random library sale book I picked up in 2021 and I’m trying to clear my shelves so I grabbed it to start reading on our trip to MI. A little dry and it’s war, so, sad, but good so far.– hardcover, 36% finished
  • The Monster in the Hollows (Wingfeather Saga #3) by Andrew Peterson– This is our family’s 2nd or 3rd time listening to this series– audio, 14% finished
  • The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the Universe by Stephen C Meyer- Despite the title, this is a casual listen while I do the dishes, make dinner, etc. I will listen to this or the book below depending on my mood. I’m sure there’s a lot I’m not comprehending but it’s been an interesting and faith-building read.– audio, 28% finished
  • The Satapur Moonstone (Perveen Mistry #2) by Sujata Massey- I’m somewhat ambivalent about this series. So far I like the first book better than this one. I do really enjoy the setting- 1920s India.- audio, 36% finished
  • The Eleventh Hour (Secret of the Rose #1) by Michael Phillips- In December I was trying to read more physical books so I spent less time on my phone. This series is one I’ve had for years and I’m re-reading it to see if it still deserves space on my shelves. It’s an easy nighttime read.– paperback, 25% finished
  • Carved in Ebony: Lessons From the Black Women Who Shape Us, Young Reader’s Edition by Jasmine L Holmes- This is our current “Sunday reading” book. Our move from 1 hr drive to church to 5 minute drive to church has cut into how faithfully we read our book on Sunday but we’re making progress. – paperback, 44% finished

Technically still reading…

There are a few books that I’m still reading but really slowly as I’m not focusing on them for various reasons.

  • The Neighboring Church: Getting Better at What Jesus Says Matters Most by Rick Rusaw and Brian Mavis- not reading this one more because it’s painfully convicting– ebook, 25% finished
  • The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien- not reading this one as much because I have other “fluff” books going right now in a better format– ebook, 13% finished
  • Keeping a Nature Journal: Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You by Clare Walker Leslie- not reading this one as much because I’m almost done and it’s very how-to in the final section– paperback

Finished in December…

  • Murder, Motherhood, and Miraculous Grace: A True Story by Debra Moerke and Cindy Lambert- My mom lent me this book a long time ago and I finally picked it up so I could clear it off my shelf. It was a very sad story involving foster care, child abuse, prisons, and other hard topics, but it was encouraging as it highlighted the impact that faithfully following the Lord can have.– paperback
  • Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer- I got this book for my sister-in-law a while back after we were discussing a biography of Bonhoeffer that I had read. She lent it to me so I could actually read it and it’s very different from what I expected. It was hard for me to get into the book and I actually had to restart it but it had some very challenging quotes and ideas. I think I would like to re-read it and take notes.– paperback
  • North! or Be Eaten (Wingfeather Saga #2) by Andrew Peterson- I know the story. I still cried over the last few chapters. So good!– audio with kids

2022 Reading Goals Check-in

At the end of 2021/beginning of 2022, I decided that I would try to structure my reading for the year using the 5×5 Challenge from Schole Sisters. The basic idea is to choose 5 topics or themes that you want to learn more about and read 5 books on each of those topics. I also made a list of books I wanted to read “just because”. The books in bold below are books I’ve finished for the year, italics are books I’m still working on, and regular font indicates the book was on the list but I didn’t make it there (yet!- still a week left in the year). An asterisk (*) indicates the 5 books I think are fairly accessible and recommend you make time for in 2023.


  • Finish Home Education by Charlotte Mason
  • The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Tina Payne Bryson & Daniel J Siegel
  • The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place by Andy Crouch *
  • Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
  • All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment by Hannah Anderson

American History

  • American History, Volume 1: 1492-1877 by Thomas Kidd
  • Pocahontas, Powhatan, Opechancanough: Three Indian Lives Changed by Jamestown by Helen C. Rountree
  • Turtle Island: The Story of North America’s First People by Lowinger Yellowhorn *
  • The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge: Authorized, Expanded, and Annotated Edition by Calvin Coolidge & Amity Shlaes *
  • The Problem of Slavery in Christian America: An Ethical-Judicial History of American Slavery and Racism by Joel McDurmon

Bible Commentary

  • Finish Daniel (The NIV Application Commentary) by Tremper Longman III
  • Finish Exalting Jesus in Daniel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Daniel L Akin
  • Leviticus: A Commentary for Children (Herein is Love Commentary Series) by Nancy Ganz
  • Three Months with Paul by Justo González
  • How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology by Jason DeRouchie


  • Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Padically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World by Rosaria Butterfield *
  • The Neighboring Church: Getting Better at What Jesus Says Matters Most by Rick Rusaw and Brian Mavis
  • Handle with Care: How Jesus Redeems the Power of Touch in Life and Ministry by Lore Ferguson Wilbert
  • Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation by Miroslav Volf


  • Hope Always: How to be a Force for Life in a Culture of Suicide by Matthew Sleeth
  • On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church by Deepak Reju
  • The Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the Universe by Stephen C Meyer
  • Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey
  • Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t, and Why it Matters by Steven Koonin

“Just Because”

  • Questions Women Asked: Historical Issues, Timeless Answers by Simonetta Carr *
  • Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women by Eric Schymacher & Elyse Fitzpatrick
  • How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity by Thomas C Oden
  • 24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier, Happier Life by Matthew Sleeth
  • Rebooting Justice: More Technology, Fewer Lawyers, and the Future of Law by Benjamin H Barton and Stephanos Bibas
  • The Pox of Liberty: How the Constitution Left Americans Rich, Free, and Prone to Infection by Werner Troesken
  • Celebrating Biblical Feasts: In Your Home or Church by Martha Zimmerman
  • The Story of Christianity, Vol 2: The Reformation to the Present Day by Justo González
  • Stepping Heavenward: One Woman’s Journey to Godliness by Elizabeth Prentiss
  • Changes that Heal: The Four Shifts that Make Everything Better… And that Anyone Can Do by Henry Cloud
  • Ourselves by Charlotte Mason

2022 Reading Overview

This is the last (and only) books update for 2022, so, here are my stats for the year according to The Story Graph. I’m not proud of all of these stats (looking at the abundance of fantasy/young adult fiction that represents stress reading) but they’re what my reading year actually looks like. And the graphs are pretty (one of the cool things about The Story Graph).

And that’s a wrap on the book update! In January I look forward to posting my reading goals for 2023. I’d love to hear from you about your reading- past, present, or future. Just email me at

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Picture of the McGoozle Family

Hello! We’re the McGoozles (a funny name we made up for ourselves): Mrs., Mr., Stubby, Smiley, Squeaky, and our cat, Slinky. We live in beautiful SW Montana and use this space to share about our life homeschooling, adventuring, and following Jesus.

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