July Books

Just a reminder that I use The Story Graph to track my reading and you can find me there under the user name mama_mcgoozle. I also do a lot of my reading on Scribd (referral link for 60 days free for you). Cover images link to the bookshop.org listing when possible.

Finished in July…

So Many Beginnings: A Little Women Remix by Bethany C. Morrow

I picked this one up based on a recommendation from Stories of Color. It was an interesting historical fiction read that dealt with some hard subject matter. I didn’t love the tone in certain areas of the book but that probably reflects my own bias and I think was also an intentional choice by the author. I would recommend as a fairly quick read.

ebook, library

Too Small Tola Gets Tough by Atinuke

This is the third book in a series I’ve read with the kids. Highly recommend anything by Atinuke!

hardcover, owned

Jack vs. the Tornado (Tree Street Kids #1) by Amanda Cleary Eastep

This was a great book but I didn’t realize the amount of parallels it would have with our real life! I think that made it even better although it was emotional for me. I don’t know if the kids caught all of the similarities but I hope they absorbed some of the lessons. We’ll continue this series.

audio, Scribd

An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy and Grace by Tamar Adler

This was not the type of book that I typically read but if I was going to read a “cookbook” this was a great one. Contemplating buying this one although I’m not sure if I would actually reference it or not. Would make a great house warming gift for someone intimidated by cooking or into reading.

Hardcover, inter-library loan

My Body Can House Two Hearts by Hanan Issa

This is a small volume of poetry that explores the intersection of cultures in the world and inside one person. Hanan Issa is the National Poet of Wales and she is Welsh-Iraqi. I appreciated the glimpse into her world.

paperback, owned

Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin

This was a quick read for me. I grew up learning about how to have a “Christian worldview” and in the church so there wasn’t any earth-shattering new information here. But it was good to read a book from someone in my own generation defending the faith (and even a conservative version of the faith). The author tackled some things that were barely issues in my own upbringing and I did take away some ideas of how I want to teach certain things to the kids. I would recommend this book to Christians and non-Christians.

ebook, Scribd


We are reading through the Bible this year with a group of people from our church. We’re a bit behind but in July we were scheduled to read Luke, Amos, Ecclesiastes, 1 Chronicles, Hosea, 1 Corinthians, and Song of Songs.

Still reading…

Vietnam: A New History by Christopher Goscha

So much I didn’t know. Fascinating. I love learning about history.

audio, Scribd, 71%

Ourselves: Our Bodies & Souls by Charlotte Mason

I was listening to this read aloud with the Charlotte Mason’s Volumes podcast but that doesn’t have the whole book so I’ve switched to an ebook version. It’s so interesting to me that a book written 100 years ago can be so relevant to life today.

audio/ebook, Spotify/Scribd, 77%

Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane C. Ortlund

ebook, Scribd, 17%

Parenting is Heart Work by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller

ebook, Scribd, 15%

About Us

Picture of the McGoozle Family

Hello! We’re the McGoozles (a funny name we made up for ourselves): Mrs., Mr., Stubby, Smiley, Squeaky, and our cat, Slinky. We live in beautiful SW Montana and use this space to share about our life homeschooling, adventuring, and following Jesus.

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